Self-love begins with Self-care

The Heart Advocate

I am always busy. I am a mother of a 2-year-old, so toddler-mom life always keeps me on my toes. Between work, blogging, taking care of my home, managing my Facebook group, weekly Twitter Chats, building my brand, and being a working mom, it’s so difficult to find the time to focus on me. 

Self-love is a requirement. 

I have learned that by taking small steps in my self-love journey, I am able to focus on all of the pieces of self-love as if to practice adding them into my daily routine. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day, it has become important to me to take of the one human who is taking care of everyone and everything else in my life, ME. 

Our quality of care for others decreases when our self-care is not a priority.

What is Self-love? 

According to Christine Arylo, Best Selling…

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