Seasons must change

This thou shall pass. This current season if you're like me has been one filled with various trials and tribulations. I've been feeling very drained, lonely and despondent. Although I'm still working towards my goals and I can say I see things coming together I still have moments when I feel down. Time and time … Continue reading Seasons must change

Keep in Mind

You are loved. Your presence on this Earth is definitely needed.  Please don't hide your light and succumb to thinking that you're not enough and won't ever amount to anything . 

Tender Hearted

Changes are bound to come forth despite how harsh or rough the journey has been going. Stick with it if it fuels you and is serving you in some manner. Seek to keep learning, finding peace, love and light within in addition to through different healthy vessels all around you. Don't give up just because … Continue reading Tender Hearted

Good Enough

What does the term "good enough" mean to you? Think about that. The Webster dictionary says that the term "good enough" means "of a quality that is good or acceptable". We live in a world in which each of us are constantly judged and picked apart. Each and everyone has an opinion in regards to … Continue reading Good Enough

Keep pushing

Greater things are coming forth into your life despite your current circumstances. It's going to get better. Keep going and striving for all that you desire full throttle. View each day as an ability to take another step or action towards what you want out of life. 

This is not the end

Your pain is not your story.The acts committed against you are in no way, shape or form your fault regardless of what society, family or what your abuser has told you. Please don't feel guilty. You didn't bring this on yourself.          Keep in mind hurt people hurt other people with the … Continue reading This is not the end


There's a vast wealth of knowledge in the world. You have to be willing to expand yourself in the sense that you have to leave your comfort zone and be willing to be uncomfortable for a while to be willing to learn. Seek those who know what you don't know but wish to. Gravitate to … Continue reading Progression 

Finding your voice

I went to a Women's Leadership Conference this evening. It was lovely to be in the presence of fellow women of various backgrounds and different accomplishments that they've made in their lives. I was able to connect with and discover other women. It was such a necessary experience for me at this point in my … Continue reading Finding your voice